Tuesday, April 13, 2010


After a month of working in a video game store, I've come to realize:

- Those parents who think a good-ol' fashioned game of Solitaire suits them just nicely are, in fact, very very common.
- Some of the nicest conversations I've had with customers are with mothers, among them including mothers who can hold their own in a conversation about Harvest Moon, Silent Hill, and Final Fantasy.
- Popular family games include Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt.
- The Wii is a boring kiddy system for four-year-olds and only adults play the XB360.
- The mere concept in a video game is better than the actual execution of said concept. That means the bargain bin is a beautiful place for some people.
- Customers seem to automatically think that, when it comes to video games, if they buy a used game and it isn't what they thought it was going to be, they have all the right in the world to return it in the name of disapproval.
- Everyone kicks their XB360.

And most importantly:

- If a customer is angry over a common mistake they or someone related to them has made, I have suddenly become exactly what the customer is angry at.

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